Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today..In Class.

So I was in class..apparently, and i had a few thoughts. Like..I usually do, but instead of just turning up my ipod I wrote them down.

Good for my health you know? or atleast for my grammer skittitlezzz

So you know how sometimes you look around at all the laughing faces of your peers and you feel so all alone?

It's not that you are TRULY alone, seeing as you have friends, people you laugh and share with , but you still feel so fifferent from everyone else around ....because..why? You think differently? No, i suppose everyone think these thoughts at one point, but..If i truly believe i was thinking dfferently I'd be giving myself too much credit. I don't care about alot of the things my crowd think about. like, i think outside the box, or i like to think so, but..i suppose everyone else does if we're all thinking outside the box..whose left INSIDE?

I'm told I'm a people watcher, you know, watching, critizcing, complimenting, rolling my eyes, and talking to myself about how pathetic much of humanity has become.. And i wonder, why do I..and others..consider my thinking so much different from the regular crowd? Am I The Only One??

And among my peers, writing, laughing, giggling, I watch the teacher but i don't hear what she's saying. I look at my papers but the symbols warp and mix and i don't comprehend. I fill in the lines, writie the words, but they feel empty, like without purpose, but i do it cause i have to, cause people tel lme to.
When people look at me they see a people person, someone who loves to be surrounded by complany someone who loves attention, but the world swirls around me, and i only seem to notice the little things ,like smiling at a complete stranger, or catching the eyes of a child.
As the class speaks, participaes, learns, I keep turning my Ipod up higher, drowning out the higher education and words. I figure I can just study what i need to at home, but who am I kidding...I don't study..

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